
Friday Evenings

AA Meetings are held every Friday evening at 7:30 pm. (These meetings are open to anyone with the desire to stop drinking.)

Our meetings are held at The Recovery Church: Central Park United Methodist, 253 State St, St Paul, MN 55107

Second Saturday

AA speaker meetings are held on the second Saturday of each month at 7:30 pm. (This is an open AA meeting. Family, friends, all are welcome.)

Our meetings are held at The Recovery Church: Central Park United Methodist, 253 State St, St Paul, MN 55107

Board Meetings

We hold our Committee Board Meetings Every second Saturday of each month at 6:00 pm prior to the monthly Speaker Meeting. All are welcome to attend this meeting and to join our Board.

Our meetings are held at The Recovery Church: Central Park United Methodist, 253 State St, St Paul, MN 55107